Law Offices
TRENTON - DEARBORN - northville - Sterling Hts
Wayne Oakland Macomb Counties
With a free consultation learn more about your legal divorce situation, how to prepare, your legal choices, and optimizing the very best results to you and your children's benefit,
Find out about money saving methods of divorce and family law mediation and efective negotiating techniques that we pioneered (Nichols & Eberth's Michigan Mediation Centers).
In addition, our firm is an industry pioneer offering services in the area of facilitative mediation of divorces. This is where the parties meet with our facilitator rather than hiring their own lawyers to work out a full resolution of all issues “out of court”. Our clients have reported that facilitation saves them money and emotional stress.
CONTACT: (313) 561-5700
Divorce & Family Law Division:
The Nichols & Eberth Edge in Divorce & Family Court, what sets us apart from the competition:
Some law firms advertise that they are “aggressive”. Unfortunately, this usually means that they look for ways to make your case more contentious and cost you more, both in terms of money and your family relationships for years to come. Nichols & Eberth, PC, are strong advocates in the courtroom, but we are not unreasonable or intentionally difficult. We put the client’s goals first and seek to minimize conflict where it can be done without damage to your case. Our divorce attorneys have extensive legal expertise, and a solid reputation throughout Southeast Michigan.
The trend in family law is towards alternative dispute resolution, which means that both parties work to negotiate a settlement of their differences outside the courtroom first. All Michigan family law courts utilize this process. Nichols & Eberth, PC, likewise work with you and your spouse and their counsel (if they have one) to come to a successful resolution of your matter.
However, not every case can be resolved by settlement. This is why Nichols & Eberth, PC, takes the time to adequately prepare your case in the event that it was not to settle outside of court. We gather and review all relevant financial information and documents about your assets and debts, as well as non-financial information that effects child custody, parenting time and support matters. We also attend court with you, and argue your position effectively and with vigor. This can range from something as common as a court hearing on a motion, to a more complex evidentiary hearing, and up to and including a trial.
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